Finding the right college is a complex and daunting task for many. There are so many to choose from; how will you know when you find the one for you? Well, When I was applying to college, the whole process was a lot different, seeing as I was applying and visiting when we were all coming out of COVID. I did not have a lot of the same opportunities to see everything and visit everywhere I wanted, with the restrictions being so different. When I was looking for colleges, I chose the farthest and largest ones because, to me, that was the perfect place for me. I could not see any other college if it was close to home or a small college. I was set on going far away even though I did not know why I wanted to or what I would do there. My dad had to drag me to close colleges to visit, and I swore up and down that I would never go there, but I ended up at a university ten minutes away from where I grew up, and it turned out to be the perfect fit for me.
When you are looking for colleges, do not limit yourself to just the big ones or just the closest ones. Try and look for places you never thought you would because you never know if that may be the one for you. There are so many different colleges and universities to choose from. Take the tours, go to the fairs and the festivities, and see what not only the environment is like but the people as well. Think about you: do you prefer smaller and more personal interactions, smaller classes or large classes, tens of thousands of new people, or just a few thousand? You want to choose somewhere where you feel comfortable and safe, where you can have some of the best times in your life and also succeed. Take the risk, put yourself out there, and see what best suits you because that may be where you spend the next couple of years. Another tip is if you do not know where to go and you are stumped, the professionals at Success U are here to assist you every step of the way. We want to help you with anything you may need from choosing a major, choosing a school, or taking on the application process. We are all here for you, and college is a fantastic time in someone's life!